A letter from the chapter VP…

December 1, 2019

Dear SDAOSA Friends,

I am writing to you with a full heart in this season of gratitude. What a beautiful week we shared in Salt Lake City for the 2019 AOSA National Conference, then parted as we went to our own families to share Thanksgiving. For the 11 SDAOSA members who attended conference, I know connections were made, experiences were shared, and growth took place that we will carry back to our students when we see their faces again tomorrow morning.

The last three years have been years of change and transition for our chapter. From the 2017 SDAOSA sponsored Orff Schulwerk level 1 course offered in Chula Vista until today, our membership has expanded rapidly as Schulwerk has reached a new cohort of music educators. In our communication with AOSA, Sasha Stone (our incoming Vice President) and I have learned that SDAOSA chartered in 1977 and became an official chapter in 1979. It seems appropriate in this historic 40th year to reflect on the incredible foundation-laying of our predecessors and look towards the future.

Diversity and Inclusion were important themes for the “Orff Elevated” conference in Salt Lake City. As a national entity, AOSA is reflecting on past practices and looking for ways to grow and reflect the diversity of music educators and students nationwide. Music education has struggled to thrive in Southern California for many years, but I am hopeful as we watch the political and social tides turn. It is our duty and our responsibility as a chapter to make sure we widen the net and gather as many educators into our vibrant community as possible.

In that spirit, Sasha has begun compiling a list of schools in San Diego county to do the work of contacting music educators who may feel alone in their work. It is our hope to grow our community and shore each other up for the continued reestablishment of music throughout our region. We have also discussed ways to celebrate the work SDAOSA has been doing for 40 years. We look forward to a year of continued growth and community.

In this busy season as you shepherd students through performances, know that we are grateful for every one of you. The future of this chapter is bright and promising because of the role each of you plays in building it. It is a pleasure to serve this organization. I wish you a holiday season of love, family, and peace.

Crystal Pridmore