SDAOSA letter from new president, Dawn Zurcher:
Dear fellow SDAOSA members,
I am excited to step up and take on the role of President for our chapter in the wake of Marci’s exciting news. Marci has put so much effort into this organization over the past few years and made great progress in getting our processes as a chapter refined and collecting and organizing the chapter history. She is going to be a tough act to follow and she will be greatly missed these next 18 months while she is overseas.
As incoming President I plan to continue the work that past presidents started of bringing in quality professional development and building our community. With this in mind we hope you join us for an amazing workshop with Lynn Kleiner and spread the word to your classroom or early education teacher friends that we are offering a one time discounted walk-in rate of $25 for this high quality PD opportunity. Also stay on campus during lunch by purchasing a Chick-fil-a sandwich or enjoying our snack foods for donation. I look forward to our time together!
Dawn Zurcher