2019-2020 Professional Development Workshops

September 14, 2019 – David Frego
October 19, 2019 – Debbie Burton & Margie Orem
February 1, 2020 – Brian Burnett
March 14, 2020 – Chapter Sharing

All workshops begin at 9:00am.
Location — E.B. Scripps Elementary.
Walk-in fees for non-members apply.
Click HERE for details and to PAY FEES.

David Frego
September 14, 2019
(9:00am – 3:00pm)

“Meaningful Movement: Dalcroze Eurythmics in the General Music Classroom”

David Frego is professor and director of the School of Music at Penn State. He joined the music faculty in 2017 after serving for nine years as chair of music at the University of Texas at San Antonio and 12 years as faculty and associate director at The Ohio State University.

Dr. Frego is past president of the American Eurhythmics Society and the Dalcroze Society of America, and regularly presents workshops on Dalcroze Eurhythmics throughout the globe. While performing artists of all ages benefit from rhythmic training, eurhythmics in teacher training is an important focus of Dr. Frego’s research. Other teaching and research areas include dance philosophy and the application of Dalcroze Eurhythmics as palliative care for adults with post-traumatic stress.

David Frego has published book chapters, DVDs, books, and articles in both music education journals and medical journals for arts medicine. Meaningful Movement: A Music Teacher’s Guide to Dalcroze Eurhythmics was co-authored with Dr. Marla Butke.

Debbie Burton & Margie Orem
October 19, 2019
(9:00am – 1:30pm)

“Falling Through The Holidays”

This workshop shares piggy-back songs, games, movement activities, and dances highlighting Autumn through Winter. This workshop incorporates Debbie Burton and Margie Orem’s personalized Kodaly/Orff Scope and Sequence lesson planning materials, analysis of activities shared, and techniques for ways to integrate your material into your own scope and sequence. Bring your recorder and be ready to play and take pictures of their many posters and activities. TOO MANY for the notes! See you Saturday, October 19th from 8:50-1:30 at EB Scripps. Happy Fall, y’all!

Debbie Burton has her B.A. in music education from Union University in Jackson, TN; and her MMED with Kodaly emphasis from Holy Names College in Oakland, CA. She has Orff Levels I, II, III (University of Memphis, TN), and Kodaly Levels I, II, III (New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, MA). She has been an elementary, middle, and high school music specialist for over 30 years, specializing in elementary education, concert and jazz band instruction, and choral and handbell performing groups. Ms. Burton taught classroom music, K-5, at Jerabek Elementary School and Crown Point Junior Music Academy, and is/has been an adjunct professor at several San Diego universities and colleges teaching Music for Elementary School Teachers. She is a local and national Orff and Kodaly presenter. Ms. Burton is a past treasurer and past president of the San Diego AOSA chapter and was co-local conference chair (LCC3) in charge of instruments for the 2015 National AOSA Conference in San Diego.

Margie Orem is an award-winning choral director who is devoted to music education for children and teachers alike. Since 1975, she has taught music at every level, from preschool through college. Ms. Orem received her bachelor’s degree in music education and a master’s in the art of teaching. She has completed all three levels of Orff and completed level one of Henry Leck’s Creating Artistry choral conducting program. Ms. Orem conducted the San Diego Unified School District’s (SDUSD) honor choir in 1992, 1999, 2007, and 2010; and the Tennessee All State Treble Choir in 2017. She was honored as the Choral Director of the Year for SDUSD in 1999 and as the 2005 MENC/CMEA-SBR Outstanding Elementary Music Specialist. Ms. Orem served in many capacities for the San Diego AOSA chapter including president and 2015 National AOSA Conference instruments committee co-chair. She is a local and national presenter for the American Orff-Schulwerk and Kodaly Associations. She was a classroom music teacher at Jerabek Elementary School (1990-2017) teaching pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. Ms. Orem has been a teacher/conductor with the San Diego Children’s Choir since 2004.

Brian Burnett
February 1, 2020
(9:00am – 3:00pm)

“Process? What Process?”

Examine the most effective approach for your task. Move from simple phrase-rote process to antiphonal process depending on the experience and ability of the students. The latter illustrates the phrase structure of a melody or movement. This speeds up the understanding for call & response songs. Canon work, and Dalcroze quick-reaction games, lead students to an awareness of the other while building concentration and audiation. Please bring your soprano recorders.

Brian Burnett taught elemental music K-6 near Toledo, Ohio for 35 years, teaches AOSA teacher-education courses, and serves as the National Conference Director for AOSA. He was a contributor to both the Share the Music and the Spotlight on Music textbook series and has published articles for the Orff Echo, the OMEA Triad and MMB Music’s Teaching With Orff website. He has presented workshops across the nation and Canada.

Chapter Sharing
March 14, 2020
(9:00am – 1:30pm)

“Chapter Sharing”

Members of our chapter share their favorite lessons.

Please note: While the workshop materials are designed to be used by those who work with children, SDAOSA workshops are for ADULTS ONLY. Our liability insurance does not allow us to have children at these workshops.