Fees for all workshops are included with an SDAOSA membership *
Click HERE for details and to PAY FEES.
- Sept 12, 2020 9:30-11:30am – Roger Sams & David Thaxton
- Oct 10, 2020 9:30-11:30am – Casey Goryeb & Crystal Pridmore
- (Nov 14, 2020 see – AOSA Virtual Symposium) *
- Dec 5, 2020 10:30-11:30am – SDAOSA Community Hour
- Jan 23, 2021 9:30-11:30am – Drue Bullington & Community Hour
- Feb 6, 2021 9:30 – 11:30am – Natasha Thurmon
- Mar 13, 2021 9:30-11:30am – Chapter Share
- Apr 10, 2021 10:30-11:30am – SDAOSA Community Hour
- May 8, 2021 10:00-12:00noon – Kanisha Howard
- May 22, 2021 10:30 – 11:30am – SDAOSA Community Hour
* NOT included in SDAOSA membership fee but highly recommended
SDAOSA Community Hours are for checking in with one another, celebrating teaching successes from this very unique school year, sharing and processing our emotions, and simply enjoying one another’s company.
Roger Sams & David Thaxton
Sept 12, 2020
Tending To Teacher (Roger Sams) and Reconnecting With Joy (David Thaxton)
Roger Sams will lead us in activities to center ourselves and go into the next school year caring for our artistic, teacher souls. As we begin a school year unlike any other, meet with SDAOSA to learn some tried and true (and fun!) distance learning lessons from David Thaxton.
Let’s face it, these are very demanding days on planet earth. The whole world is in crisis and transition. Some days just getting out of bed and showing up for life feels like an accomplishment. There’s a lot to manage in our lives, in our jobs, and within our hearts and minds. In this workshop, Roger Sams, a trained Gestalt therapist as well as music educator, shares artful processes for nurturing yourself – body, mind, and spirit – through your artistry as you serve your students and your community with your teaching and with your presence. Self-care is no longer optional. It is a requirement if we’re going to be our best selves in the world. Let’s come together for an hour and learn a little bit about how to tend to ourselves while we tending to the well-being and the education of our students. Everybody wins when we learn to be attentive to self-care.
Come experience the joy of unfolding creativity through Orff Schulwerk approaches in a variety of settings both digitally and in-person. We will explore ways to refocus on student-centered music making with student choice and improvisation. Discover elemental approaches to voice, percussion, ukulele, recorder and composition that have foundations in face-to-face instruction, but that are modified to work in a digital or blended learning environment.
Casey Goryeb & Crystal Pridmore
Oct 10, 2020
Move it and Bon Appetit! Orff Schulwerk Process to Performance
Using children’s literature as a point of inspiration, Casey will lead participants as they sing, say, dance, and play their way through a series of activities that can be used for any elementary class. Each activity will include an opportunity for participants to explore the concepts through movement, song, and playing instruments. All activities can be modified to fit a virtual or in-person lesson. Crystal will lead participants through a series of movement-focused lessons inspired by SEL literature to help students explore and process their feelings and emotions. All activities will be appropriate for both in-person and virtual teaching.AOSA Digital Conference
Nov 14, 2020
please see
This digital conference requires addtional NATIONAL AOSA membership and is NOT INCLUDED with just SDAOSA membership. We highly recommend it though!
SDAOSA Community Hour
Dec 5, 2020
SDAOSA Community Hours are for checking in with one another, celebrating teaching successes from this very unique school year, sharing and processing our emotions, and simply enjoying one another’s company.
Drue Bullington and SDAOSA Community Hour
Jan 23, 2021
Playful Possibilities
This adventure will have us exploring what playful possibilities elemental music and movement offers us (teacher/facilitators and our student learners) to be innovative, creative, and collaborative artists. The activities will be transferable to in-person, hybrid, or fully online learning models.
Please bring along your Orff Schulwerk Volume I, a hand drum, a smile, and a playful spirit! We will spend time together after Drue’s presentation to check in with each other.
Natasha Thurmon
Feb 6, 2021
Finding Balance in a Virtual World
Teaching during times of COVID-19 can be challenging: is learning in person, online, or hybrid? Do you teach from home, at school, or even on a cart? How do you create lessons that will add value to your students’ lives without overwhelming anyone? On top of it all, how do you maintain your own personal health and happiness (as well as your family’s) and maintain balance? This workshop will provide teachers with tips and tricks to use in various teaching settings, while centering the mental and emotional health of both teachers and children.
Chapter Share
Mar 13, 2021
Sing, say, dance, and play with SDAOSA’s brilliant educators!
SDAOSA Community Hour
Apr 10, 2021
SDAOSA Community Hours are for checking in with one another, celebrating teaching successes from this very unique school year, sharing and processing our emotions, and simply enjoying one another’s company.
Kanisha Howard
May 8, 2021
Turning a D.R.E.A.M. Into Reality
We welcome Kanisha Howard as she shares her perspective of how to promote and include D.R.E.A.M.- Diversity, Resources, Equity, and Anti-Racism in Music Education.
SDAOSA Community Hour
May 22, 2021
10:30 – 11:30am
SDAOSA Community Hours are for checking in with one another, celebrating teaching successes from this very unique school year, sharing and processing our emotions, and simply enjoying one another’s company.